Congratulations to the 2016 Healthy Goal Setters

today we are 4 days into 2016. i have been to the gym 3 of those 4 days, and every time it has been packed!!!

thus far in 2016:
on friday, january 1, my husband and i weren’t able to find two cardio machines side-by-side to do our regular warm up.


on saturday, january 2, the open area in the gym was too packed to be able to set up my typical circuit for the day.


today, monday, january 4, i chatted with a 50-something year old woman who chose to speed walk on the treadmill beside me for 30 minutes, in her jeans.


at the turn of every new year the “gym regulars” complain about these “new year resolution gym goers” they complain about the ones who unknowingly step onto their regular treadmill. the ones who wear jeans to exercise. the ones who sweat completely through their t-shirt 5 minutes into their workout because they are so out of shape. the ones who hog all the free weights. the regulars say that they can’t wait until these folk fall off the bandwagon so that “their” gym isn’t so busy


but i disagree.


while i don’t love a crowded gym, i do love living in a healthy society and knowing that people are working toward a healthier life. instead of wishing away the new-comers, i have decided to express my support, in hopes of them converting to regulars as well.


to those who have set 2016 goals toward achieving a healthier and more active life, i say congratulations! go get em! and keep at it!


may you accomplish all of your 2016 goals, and beyond!
what healthy goals did you make for 2016?

2 thoughts on “Congratulations to the 2016 Healthy Goal Setters

  1. My gripe today was the line out the door to just get in the gym bc I was going to be late to my yoga class. Such a good reminder, thank you for putting it out there!! Hope all is well!


  2. thanks for the feedback BJ. it is difficult to keep a “bigger picture perspective” on the matter in those scenarios. but ultimately it is the much better option. 🙂 good luck with yoga!


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